Stichting Dekenaal Weerter Missie Thuisfront


On the website of the Foundation Mission Homefront of the Deanery of Weert.



The Foundation Mission Homefront of the Deanery of Weert
(=Stichting Dekenaal Weerter Missie Thuisfront (DWMT))

The foundation aims to support the missionary work in mind and spirit as meant by the Roman Catholic Church.

The foundation implements its objective by:

- Supporting projects in areas in the world in the way of the missionary that leads to a more dignified life for their residents, as well as encouraging the inhabitants of the area of the foundation to participate and contribute to these projects so to give the poorest people a chance to unfold and come out the harrowing underdevelopment;

- Support the work of missionaries of Mission Homefront of the Deanery of Weert in financial, material and moral sense;

- To inform the residents of the area and to raise awareness about the needs of the world;

- To support projects which are chosen in consultation with the Mission Committees in the work area of the foundation with resources arising from such annual fixed campaigns, the St. Martin ralleys, the annual donor campaigns, the annual collection on the feest of Christ the King, and in any legitimate way whatsoever earn income.


The working area of foundation includes all parishes within the Deanery Weert and all parishes in the region who clearly show to execute the aims of the foundation.

This mission has been formulated in accordance with the statutes of the Foundation Mission Homefront of the Deanery of Weert, executed on November 20, 1998 in presence of Mr. W.A.M. van Gorp, notary in Weert.


New Policy

Quite a while there was searched within the Mission Homefront of the Deanery Weert for an appropriate continuation of the mutual solidarity with fellow believers in the developing countries. Because the Dutch missionaries are slowly disappearing from stage, we are going to miss anchor points, i.e. the facilities for effective missionary aid. Under these conditions we would like to make maximum use of the knowledge and networks of the still active missionaries to continue the cooperation. The best method, one would think, is to select a country and diocese where a Dutch missionary is well integrated and where we can build lasting contacts with it. The youth in Weert and in the developing countries should be involved. The schools there are the medium of choice. In the scheme is Malawi chosen as a country choice and Father Jo Kuppens in Lilongwe, currently active as missionary from Weert overthere, will carry the load in that mission country.

In May 2015, the first phase has become a fact. In the first weeks of May, in the May holidays for the primary schools in Limburg, our board member Therese Huijbregts has traveled to Malawi to make contact between the class 7-8 of the primary school Leuken in Weert and the Likuni girl school in Lilongwe.

Because the school in Malawi is open in May and in Weert the school closed, it was a perfect opportunity to create the contacts with the school in Likuni. With funds from the Foundation it was possible to make an internet connection and the Primary School Firtel in Stramproy sent a beamer to the school in Malawi.

A PowerPoint presentation in Weert has already been given to the students in Leuken, so they have some idea what wat was going on in Malawi. The trip was also an opportunity to show this PowerPoint presentation in Malawi and supplement it to make an even more comprehensive document.

On May 21st, the children from grades 7 and 8 of the Primary School Leuken had made contact via a Skype connection in English with their peers in Malawi. On the 4th of June, there was a second Skype session between students from Malawi and the primary Leuken in Weert. Individual interviews this time. A bit of enthusiasm and embarrassment on both sides. The children of the school in Leuken also promised to give materials like flashlights, dress-up costumes, soccerballs, etc. to miss Thérèse when she goes to Malawi again in July.

The beginning has been made.


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